​​​​​Formation Evaluation Society of Malaysia (FESM)

Event Summary : 2024 FESM Topical Conference

FESM has successfully organize 2024 Topical Conference at Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur on 12 November 2024 with 101 participants. The conference successfully brought together professionals from the petrophysics and oil & gas industries to discuss new technological advancements and approaches in formation evaluation. The main objectives of the conference are:

To serve as a platform for networking and sharing of case studies, innovations, enhanced methodologies and novel technologies in maximizing the potential of mature and marginal fields
To provide excellent opportunities to exchange ideas and gain knowledge from industry experts about the new methodologies and latest technologies to address related challenges

FESM received 142 registrations from various companies that includes PETRONAS, Beicip-Franlab Asia, KPOC, Ikon Science, Hibiscus Petroleum, EMEPMI and Slb. Petrophysicist from various experience ranging from lab analyst, wells engineer to manager attended the event. The event recorded full house and well received among the industry players.

A key highlight of the event was a dedicated session focusing on potential in mature and marginal fields, presented by Mr Asari Ramli. The events also include technical sessions consisting of eight presenters from PETRONAS, EMEPMI, Core Laboratories, Baker Hughes and Shell. The topics covered on innovations in petrophysics, where discussions centered on the integration of emerging technologies into formation evaluation techniques. Notably, several new case studies were presented, showcasing the challenges and improvement performed to increase the efficiency of reservoir evaluation. The session also explored on how new technologies could be integrated into existing workflows to enhance data collection and interpretation.

You may click this linkto view the pictures from the event.